About Me

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Believe it or not I have just discovered the fascinating world of blogging. What a wonderful way to share beautiful photography and make new friends and get great ideas! Most of our lives revolve completely around work and very little time to explore our creative side. I actually went to school to be a decorator, but took a different path. I still believe I have a passion for anything and everything creative!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

This is what the sky looked like last night about 8:00p.m. This was not a sunset - I just thought it was pretty weird...guess that is what it looks like before the kind of storm we had about 1:00 a.m. this morning.  I thought all of the pink was odd......


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Nice Sunday in the Smoky Mountains!

We made a nice day of it - we decided to go to the Chimneys in the Great Smoky Mountains.  The temperature was in the high 80's and very sunny  in Gatlinburg.  As we reached the destination - it began to rain and the temperature dropped to 63 degrees.  (Keep that in mind on these hot, summer days) .  It is really beautiful on the drive up and a terrific place if you want to have a picnic!    Unfortunately the view was too foggy to enjoy and we plan to go back!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sunday School on Saturday Night!

We celebrated with a Sunday School class we have been graciously invited to and have been attending some.  They periodically have a get-together at each other's homes or other places.  Tonight's fesitvities were held at the home of Chris and Suzanne Romines. 

Our teacher, Kenyn Cureton shared his master chef skills by prepared a homemade salsa that was delicious!
Of course, everyone brought their favorite dish to share with the group...
I thought this was a good time to try a new pasta salad (my fav, in the summer months.)  I actually found this recipe on a blog.  It was really good I thought, but Mike didn't like all the parsley - (guess I should have chopped it more more)...anyway, no one left hungry.  The kids seemed to enjoy the event too!

And....bigger kids!
Suzanne had made these really cute flower containers from tin cans with raffia!  (How clever!)

All the ladies decided to move to the front porch to watch the DIY water slide!

Who would have thought this one up?  A pressure washer with soapy water, kids in bathing suits...slip sliding away!  Unfortunately, Chris' son went a little too fast and collided with the pavement in front of the house.

Wouldn't it be fun to be a kid again?
Hmmmm....thinking up some meanness?  Maybe some water balloons thrown at mom?

Honestly, we were too full and comfortable to move!

Mother and son water fight!

Pat telling the volunteers exactly how to play this gam!  You see, you must see how fast you can seperate the M&M's by color...and the winner is....

 Next volunteers how to see how quickly they could suck up the M&M's and move them from one cup to the next!

Are you kidding?  Manage to juggle 3 balloons in the air at once?

It is possible....

We had a nice time!

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