About Me

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Believe it or not I have just discovered the fascinating world of blogging. What a wonderful way to share beautiful photography and make new friends and get great ideas! Most of our lives revolve completely around work and very little time to explore our creative side. I actually went to school to be a decorator, but took a different path. I still believe I have a passion for anything and everything creative!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I am crazy for peppermint decorations!

I am an extreme collector of carolers...all kinds of them!  They make
fun companions in the kitchen candy village!

A candy gingerbread man stands guard on the upper cabinet in the kitchen!

                   Another view of the "helpers" on the kitchen counter....Looks like they
                               are up to some Christmas baking!!

Nutcrackers are also guarding the upper kitchen cabinets!

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