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Believe it or not I have just discovered the fascinating world of blogging. What a wonderful way to share beautiful photography and make new friends and get great ideas! Most of our lives revolve completely around work and very little time to explore our creative side. I actually went to school to be a decorator, but took a different path. I still believe I have a passion for anything and everything creative!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A sock monkey baby shower!

Today I helped host a shower for our friend Marsha Anderson's daughter, Heather.  My very creative friend, Jacque had the idea to co-ordinate the theme of the baby shower with her Christmas decorations.  It turned out great!  We had a wonderful turnout and I sneaked in several pictures of her beautifully decorated home too!  I hope you will enjoy the pictures.

First, a welcome for the little one's arrival.....

Next......look at this cute as can be cake made by local baker,
Nancy Goan.   She is truly an artist and can make any kind of cake that is delicious and cute too!

 Look at the wonderful food made by the hostesses!

                                       SOCK MONKEYS EVERYWHERE!
The hostesses all gave gift cards and hung them on this tree!

Picture "borrowed from Pinterest" - thanks to whomever posted it!

Friends of the grandmother to be.......

Isn't he the cutest little thing?  This is Jacque - the one with pretty Christmas decorations!

The fun hostesses!

The animal print girls!


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Love this time of year! Tonight it was Dollywood!

Decided to challenge myself this year...I  have been taking as many festive holiday photos as I can.  (By the way...it is really fun as I go!)

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year and so much to do that it is really hard to squeeze it all in.

I would highly recommend seeing the lights in our own back yard though.  Dollywood will
really inspire the holiday spirit.  We just had time for one show tonight, Smokey Mountain Christmas and I must say it was AWESOME!  It was a very spiritual show and could easily fit into a church presentation.  I would really like to see it again.  Of course, you will enjoy seeing this dancing Christmas tree (above) as well.  This thing changes several colors and really appears to dance across the water with the Christmas music.   Loved it!

Ah...Dollywood always has a fun way to welcome you...
Loved these angels...they were right outside Dolly's country church, which is very authentic and very beautiful!

Was able to have my picture made with Santa!  He was awesome!
The place makes you feel like a kid again!

I really loved this one ....just the way they had outlined the entire building with lights!
Dolly's little Country Church....I always love to see what they do here every season....It is really pretty now, but I have seen it in the Fall as well.....always pretty!

Ha! Mike did not escape the photographer lens! I love to take pictures!

Saw these berries earlier in the day...what could be more

Of course, the reason for the season, the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. 

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I am crazy for peppermint decorations!

I am an extreme collector of carolers...all kinds of them!  They make
fun companions in the kitchen candy village!

A candy gingerbread man stands guard on the upper cabinet in the kitchen!

                   Another view of the "helpers" on the kitchen counter....Looks like they
                               are up to some Christmas baking!!

Nutcrackers are also guarding the upper kitchen cabinets!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Marcus and Abby cutting into their delicious wedding cake!

This one was made at the General Morgan...love the way it shows the back of the dress.

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